

08h00 17h00 ICAN Board Meeting The Boardroom
SUNDAY, 29 JUNE 2025
08h00 13h00 ICAN Board Meeting The Boardroom
10h00 13h00 Workshop 1 – ICARS Workshop 2 – WHO
Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Chair: Annick Lenglet & Alma Tostmann Chair: TBC
How to use intervention and implementation research to improve AMS and IPC in healthcare facilities? A hands-on practical workshop IPC Education and Training: WHO curriculum
14h00 17h00 Workshop 3 – Resolve to Save Lives Workshop 4 – bioMerieux
Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Chair: Stacey Mearns Chair: Ann Vorsporten / Prof Shaheen Mehtar
Epidemic-ready Primary Health Care: the front line for IPC Transforming Antimicrobial Use: Stewardship, Data-Driven Insights, and Behavioural Changes
DAY 1 – MONDAY, 30 JUNE 2025
07h00 19h30 REGISTRATION & ARRIVAL REFRESHMENTS Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
09h00 – 10h30 OPENING CEREMONY
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40
11h00 – 13h00 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40 Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Theme: The Interdependence of the Built Environment and IPC Theme: Applying Basic IPC Principles to Practice Theme: bioMerieux: Data-Driven Antimicrobial Stewardship
Facilitator: Briette du Toit Ludick / Kalivasar Murthi Facilitator: Arifa Parker Facilitator: Ann Vorsporten
11h00 11h30 Microbiome Interactions in Healthcare Settings

Breath of fresh air in 2025: Respiratory protections for pathogens that transmit through the air

11h30 12h00 The role of Architects in reducing infection risk

Cutting infections, not corners: optimising peri-operative IPC for SSI reduction

12h00 12h30 Water as a source of infection Applying Evidence to Hierarchy of Controls

12h30 13h00 Ventilation: What changes and what stays the same

Adapting IPC: Tailoring core practices to unique environments

13h00 14h00 LUNCH Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
14h00 – 16h00 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40 Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Theme: Effective surveillance in low resource settings Theme: Strengthening IPC and AMS on the African Continent Theme: Implementation strategies for Patient Safety
Facilitator: Prof Sade Ogunsola/ Dr Dami Adeniyi Facilitator: Chedly Azzouz / Dr Jun Manda Facilitator: Molebogeng /Eveline
14h00 14h30 Surveillance Systems in Africa- Identifying the Best Approach


Embedding IPC into Everyday Clinical Practice: Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Implementation

14h30 15h00 Applying molecular methods to surveillance in low resource settings

Building Capacity in the Global South: Sustainable Strategies for AMR Containment

Multidisciplinary Collaboration: The Key to Effective Patient Safety Implementation

15h00 15h30 Using HAI data effectively – Effective Use of HAI Data in Decision-Making

Implementation of sustainable IPC in Africa – the evidence

Behaviour Change and Culture Shifts: Strategies for Sustaining IPC Practices for Patient Safety

15h30 16h00 The Role of Waste Water Surveillance in Outbreak Detection

Passing on the message – communication and commitment

HCW Management

16h00 16h30 AFTERNOON REFRESHMENTS Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
16h30 – 18h30 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40 Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Theme: Bringing about System Change in IPC for Africa – How To Do It Theme: Standardization of IPC Education and Training in Africa Theme: Trials and tribulations of leadership for IPC
Facilitator: Prof Sade Ogunsola/ Dr Dami Adeniyi Facilitator: Elizabeth Schoeman/ Prof Chedly Azzouz Facilitator: Prof Shaheen Mehtar/ Stacey Mearns (RSTL)
16h30 17h00 CDC

Does one size fit all? Overview and background on current IPC educational disparities and the need for standardized IPC education across Africa

Counting the cost of the IPC gap. What makes a good leader?

17h00 17h30 Financing IPC initiatives

Contribution of bots in education towards supporting IPC – who do we reach?

RSTL “Building Capacity: Developing Future IPC Leaders in African Healthcare Settings”

17h30 18h00 Legal framework of IPC for Africa

To describe the current education and training of Ips in a targeted number of countries across three regions

The Role of Leadership in Strengthening IPC Programs: Strategies for Sustainable Impact

18h00 18h30 IPC Research in Africa for Africa: Time for action

Panel Discussion: Harmonizing Infection Prevention Education in Africa: Challenges, Successes and the Way Forward

Influences of healthcare restrictions in the name of IPC

18h30 20h30 NETWORKING RECEPTION (with Exhibitors) Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
DAY 2 – TUESDAY, 1 JULY 2025
07h00 18h00 REGISTRATION & ARRIVAL REFRESHMENTS Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
08h00 09h00 Meet The Expert: Sponsored session by Safmed on disinfection of endoscopes Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62
09h00 – 09h45 Keynote Speaker: Climate Change and its Impact on Infectious Diseases
Speaker: Prof Joost Hopman
Meeting Room 1.40
10h00 10h30 MID-MORNING REFRESHMENTS Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
10h30 – 12h30 Session 10 Session 11 Session 12
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40 Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Theme: Navigating the Ripple Effect of Displaced persons on AMR and IPC Theme: How clean should a hospital environment be? Theme: Decontamination of Medical Devices
Facilitator: Alethea & Lizzie Facilitator: Briette du Toit Ludick / Molebogeng Facilitator: Shaheen Mehtar / SAFHE
10h30 11h00 Humans as transporters of AMR

Missing reservoirs in the healthcare settings

Safe recycling of single-use medical devices – Is this possible?

11h00 11h30 Challenges in implementing IPC practices in displaced person and war torn areas

Cost-effectiveness of an Environmental Cleaning programme

How do you know your medical devices are sterile? Validation – SAFHE

11h30 12h00 Managing IPC with minimal resources

Using a multimodal implementation strategy to improve environmental cleaning

Appropriate sterilization systems for low resource settings – SAFHE

12h00 12h30 IPC in pandemic preparedness

Cleaners: Unrecognised gatekeepers in Healthcare

Challenges in providing sterile medical devices with limited resources

12h30 13h30 LUNCH Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
13h30 – 12h30 Session 13 Session 14 Session 15
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40 Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: 1.63 – 1.64
Theme: Old pathogens new places Theme: ICARS: IPC AND AMS Theme: Postcards from the ICAN Hubs and Societies – Success stories (CDC funded)
Facilitator: Arifa Parker / Kalisvar Murthi Facilitator: Annick Lenglet & Alma Totsman Facilitator: Nkwan Jacob Gobte / Adebola Olyinka
13h30 14h00 Impact of antimicrobial agents on the environment

TBC Northern and Southern Hubs success stories

14h00 14h30 Vector and Zoonosis Transmission

TBC Eastern and Western Hubs success stories

14h30 15h00 One Health: ACDC

TBC Central Hub success story

15h00 15h30 Bioinformatics and tracking outbreaks

TBC Panel discussion: Moving IPC forward, what works for Africa? How can we implement IPC successfully with minimal resources – the vision from the hubs

15h30 16h00 AFTERNOON REFRESHMENTS Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
16h00 – 18h00 Session 16 Session 17 Session 18
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40 Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Theme: Wateraid: Water, sanitation and hygiene behaviour changes for IPC – Integrated programming for safe and quality care Theme: Quality Improvement and IPC Theme: Pandemic Preparedness
Facilitator: Jun Manda / Kyla (Wateraid) Facilitator: Alethea Mashamba / Briette du Toit Ludick Facilitator: Nkwan Jacob Gobte
16h00 16h30 Safe Water Systems in Healthcare: Preventing Waterborne Infections and Outbreaks

Audit as a QI tool: advantages and disadvantages

Pandemic Preparedness Plans and Scenario Simulations

16h30 17h00 Water Management in Low-Resource Settings: Challenges and Solutions for Effective Infection Control

Using audit and epidemiology data towards QA

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Management

17h00 17h30 Water Quality in Sterilization and Reprocessing: Impact on Instrument Decontamination and Patient Safety

TBC Post-Pandemic IPC Strategies and Future Preparedness

07h00 17h00 REGISTRATION & ARRIVAL REFRESHMENTS Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
08h00 08h45 Breakfast Meeting: Meet The Expert
Speaker: TBC
Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62
09h00 10h00 Keynote Speaker: Acute disaster response then long-term intervention in selected cases
Speaker: Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, Gift of the Givers
Meeting Room 1.40
10h00 10h30 MID-MORNING REFRESHMENTS Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
10h30 – 12h30 Session 19 Session 20 Session 21
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40 Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Theme: French Session Theme: When you go out in the woods today Theme: Implementation of WASHFIT – Trials and Tribulations
Facilitator: Jun Manda / Babacar Ndoye Facilitator: Shaheen Mehtar Facilitator: Damilola Adeniyi
10h30 11h00 Best of en PCI 2025

Protecting yourself in mass gatherings

Making WASH services adaptative, safe and resilient: The intersection of WASH, IPC and Climate Change

11h00 11h30 Intelligence artificielle et PCI : Expérience Africaine

What lurks in the wilderness on your holiday

The Role of WASH in improving the built environment in African health facilities

11h30 12h00 Surveillance of HAI in African Countries

A potpourri of travel medicine cases

Assessing the Impact of WASH interventions on Antimicrobial resistance

12h00 12h30 Mpox from ACDC

Sharing experiences

Integrating different tools: Wateraid

12h30 13h30 LUNCH Clivia Conservatory & Jasminum Restaurant
13h30 – 15h30 Session 22 Session 23 Session 24
Venue: Meeting Room 1.40 Venue: Meeting Room 1.61 – 1.62 Venue: Meeting Room 1.63 – 1.64
Theme: Vaccine preventable Infectious diseases of IPC concern Theme: Outpatient and Community Institutions Theme: Building facilities for future pandemics
Facilitator: Mamy/Arifa Parker Facilitator: TBC Facilitator: Chipo
13h30 14h00 Mpox: Emerging Challenges

Adapting IPC Strategies for Primary Care Settings

Sustainable infrastructure for future pandemics in low and middle income countries

14h00 14h30 Cholera: Ongoing Threats and Responses

TB transmission: What is the risk in community setting?

Making IPC environmentally friendly

14h30 15h00 EVD and Marburg (include 7-1-7 approach to outbreak response)

Antimicrobial Stewardship in Community healthcare settings and outpatients

Green World initiatives in waste management

15h00 15h30 TBC The role of caregivers in the community

How to improve primary healthcare facilities for future pandemics

15h40 16h40 CLOSING CEREMONY & AWARDS Meeting Room 1.40